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Linda Khan

Emeritus Faculty | Library

Educational Background

B.S. University of Central Florida
M.L.I.S. University of South Florida

Professional Experience

In addition to her current faculty position and serving as the Librarian for Online Learning & Education Centers,  Ms. Khan teaches research strategies and library resources,  and is the library’s  liaison to Online Learning and the Education Centers, previously the library liaison to the Bisk College of Business. 

Linda served as Head of International & Residential Outreach Department (2015-2020), Director of Research Services (2012-14),  Head of Library Information Services (2005-2011),  Chair of ACITC  2006-7 and 2012-13, and Chair of the ACITC Mini-grants Committee (2005-6, 2011-12). Linda also oversaw the Link Scholars Program (2001-2005) and received a total of $50,000 in grants from the Link Foundation to fund the program. 

Prior experience consists of managing the Library Information Services, Electronic Resources & Services, Reference Services, and the Periodical Departments; former teaching appointments with the Brevard County School Board and Brevard Community College. Professional affiliations include the American Library Association, Florida Library Association, and the Library Association of Brevard (President 2005-7).

Additional Duties

Cross-Cultural Certificate Task Force/Committee (2016-2020)

Advisor to the Caribbean Students Association (2017-current)

Member of ACITC (2003-2015)

Recognition & Awards

Most Valuable Panther January 2011


Research interests include library services for off-campus constituents, access services, copyright and fair use, integrated library systems, virtual reference, digital library resources, electronic information retrieval, Web content management and information literacy.

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